Business Intelligence Assessment

This service is an external, objective assessment of three core elements:

1)      Your organisations data architecture

2)      Current BI team review (Size, process and roadmap)

3)      Business engagement and usage of data

Delivered over 5 days of engagement, the output will be a report that will be presented and written up to cover a wide range of analysis points. This delivers an objective review of your setup with any observations and recommendations, which will allow your business forward with clarity and ensure that everyone is pulling in the same direction.

Key highlights of this output will be:

·        A documented summary of the data architecture and development processes

·        Review of reporting outputs to give an analysis of fit for purpose state

·        Business Data Maturity assessment

·        Review of business engagement

·        Size of data team review

·        Recommendations or improvements/optimisations

On completion you will have:

·        Improved business focus as everyone will have clarity on the landscape and where you are progressing

·        Objective critique to uncover blind spots that would have slowed down your organisation or validate the existing approach as fit for purpose

·        The ability to on-board people quickly as you will have a clear overview of all elements of your data setup

·        Improved engagement from the wider business


£4,000 + any required overnight accommodation costs.